New cancer support service

Posted by: Chris Witham - Posted on:

Charlie’s is a support service for those dealing with cancer and its aftermath, and those around them who are also affected.

Charlie’s has just celebrated a third year of helping people with and post cancer in the Gloucester area. They are supported, along with those who care for them, through a holistic approach in a “Friendship café” environment. This is a completely free service led by a group of volunteers, including complementary therapists who offer their time at no cost. Charlie’s swiftly grew from once a month in a snooker club on the outskirts of Gloucester to their own premises just off the Bristol Road where they are now open 3 days a week.

In recent times it has become clear that there is a need for support to be expanded beyond the city, so the hunt for a suitable venue in the Forest began. They have been offered the use of a large room at the Belfry Hotel in Littledean. It is situated on a bus route, with a level car park and disabled access. From 31 March they wil be offering a new monthly session on every last Friday.

Mor information can be found on their website
There is also a Facebook group